viernes, 22 de julio de 2016

John August Swanson (b.1938)

b. USA, 1938, sueco-mexicano.

procession.jpg (800×1192):
John August Swanson (b.1938) Procession

The Prodigal Son - John August Swanson:
The Prodigal Son - John August Swanson

Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 Commentary by Elisabeth Johnson - Working Preacher - Preaching This Week (RCL):
John August Swanson (b.1938) Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30

The Last Supper by John August Swanson:
The Last Supper by John August Swanson

John August Swanson:

John_August_Swanson_Presentation_detail_.jpg (463×600):
John August Swanson, Presentation (detail)

Entry into the City by John August Swanson:
Entry into the City by John August Swanson

John August Swanson: The Flood There are many more on his site. I love his art.:
John August Swanson: The Flood

Epiphany John August Swanson:
Epiphany, John August Swanson

detail from John August Swanson's the Good Samaritan:
John August Swanson's the Good Samaritan

Take Away the Stone by John August Swanson:
Take Away the Stone by John August Swanson

The Story of the Prodigal Son by John August Swanson:
The Story of the Prodigal Son by John August Swanson


Biblical Art by John August Swanson:

Image from

Psalm 23 by John August Swanson:

"Francis and the Wolf," a serigraph by John August Swanson:

Power to the People poster by John August Swanson - for sale at The Eyekons Gallery:
Power to the People poster by John August Swanson

John August Swanson - Peaceable Kingdom:
John August Swanson - Peaceable Kingdom

"Good Samaritan," a serigraph by John August Swanson for sale from Eyekons Gallery:
"Good Samaritan," a serigraph by John August Swanson

"Ruth"  by John August Swanson, above bed.:
"Ruth" by John August Swanson

john august swanson | New Artwork Catalogue Section::

Advent Triptych Greeting Card, by serigraph artist John August Swanson, Christmes Cards for Sale:
Advent Triptych Greeting Card, by serigraph artist John August Swanson

Wedding Feast:
John August Swanson (b.1938) Wedding Feast

John August Swanson's serigraph of David and Goliath.:
John August Swanson's serigraph of David and Goliath.

John August Swanson(1938~):
John August Swanson (1938)

"Madonna of the Harvest," a serigraph by John August Swanson:
"Madonna of the Harvest," a serigraph by John August Swanson

John August Swanson:

John August Swanson(1938~):

John August Swanson:

La Pesca Milagrosa (Juan 21) por John August Swanson:
La Pesca Milagrosa (Juan 21) por John August Swanson

"St. Michael and the Archangels," a serigraph by John August Swanson:
"St. Michael and the Archangels," a serigraph by John August Swanson

John August Swanson 'Celebration':
John August Swanson 'Celebration'

Follow link for my archived reflection Holy Thursday. Last Supper, Washing Of Feet 2013 Image by John August Swanson. Artists notes here
Washing Of Feet 2013 by John August Swanson

A Visit - Full Image:

The River, a Mosaic by John August Swanson:
The River, a Mosaic by John August Swanson

John August Swanson:

John August Swanson: Festival of Lights for All Saints:
John August Swanson: Festival of Lights for All Saints

John August Swanson Rare "The Street Singer" hand signedby the artist  Beautiful Colors affordable wall art Songs of the sea the night by USANOW on Etsy:
John August Swanson, "The Street Singer"

John August Swanson - Google 検索:

John August Swanson:

john August swanson:

John August Swanson, The Prodigal Son (1984):
John August Swanson, The Prodigal Son (1984)

Daniel_600.jpg (600×435):
John August Swanson, Daniel

aewebmain.jpg (800×797):

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